In 2002, we handed off the L'Imprimerie Baptist Biblique into the capable hands of those we trained to do print shop work. For the last 20 years the presses have been rolling.
The L'imprimerie is a print shop at the edge of a mountain near Adeta, Togo. It is on the ABWE Carolyn Kempton Memorial hospital compound. The print shop is home to 5 employees, and it is adjacent to a bookstore, and translation department. It serves the local Baptist church, AWANA programs and the hospitals in Togo as well.
We are always in need of funds to help with the costs of paper and various supplies including old ABDick printing presses. Shipping and fuel to ship these supplies is significant. Donating to our paper supplies, container costs, flight costs or various shipping needs would greatly be appreciated.
We would like to increase salaries, which hasn't been done since 2020. This would require $300 per month, or $3,600 total.
Donating for shipping costs and paper doesn't sound glamorous, but it is definitely a basic need.
Pray that our machines keep running! Most of our equipment is from 1950-60.
These machines are fixable, without any computer boards! But it also means we are now struggling to find parts here in America.
Cost per year: $8,000 - $10,000

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Giving Basics applies a bottom-up approach when serving in foreign countries. First, we listen to the needs and dreams presented by communities, villages and churches. Then we pray for God's wisdom. Finally, we set up a plan that enables us to work as a team allowing the communities, villages and churches we come alongside to put in a large percentage of labor and expertise into the overall completion of projects. Working hand in hand - Giving Basics feels this is the strongest way to implement lasting impact and change.

School & Village Feeding Programs

Education / Trade School Scholarships

Corn & Soya Facility

Village Well Projects

Shine Bright Resource Center