The world is facing the most severe food shortage in 70 years.
"Effects of the pandemic, severe weather and the Russia-Ukraine war threaten our world with a global food crisis. Now we’re facing the most severe shortage we’ve seen since World War II — and children living in poverty are the most vulnerable and hardest hit. Our church partners see every day how hunger is harming children, stunting their development and keeping them from their full potential. New needs from these partners are already pouring in. As they faithfully serve, they’ll help stabilize their communities in the short term while providing long-term hunger mitigation – all in Jesus’ name.”
Compassion International (July 2023)

School Feeding Program
We aim to come alongside the communities of Chalunga, Sasa, Chankhalamu, Kabondwe and Maumba Primary Schools within the Mzimba District of Central Malawi, to provide one meal a day to the students in these rural areas. In total the daily meal would benefit 1,600 children a day in 2024. We aim in meeting the needs of the children’s nutrition and remind the community of healthy lifestyles in the process. Parents themselves often come alongside and organize the children, wash dishes and prepare the porridge that is handed out during the school day. Rombani Hara, a 17 year old has stated that he has benefited greatly, staying in school and being able to concentrate better with food in his stomach when these meals are provided. The greatest need for this supplement of porridge is during the months of December through April when people are in between last year's corn provisions and the upcoming harvest. The community and schools totally appreciate and engage in this objective - as they take great pride and joy in implementing it for their school kids. Their basic need is the funding to receive the Corn Soya Blend Plus porridge.
This price includes the cost of the vitamin infused porridge, fuel costs to drive it to the rural area primary schools, soap to clean dishes and charcoal to cook. The kitchens and utensils are already supplied.
Our goal is to fund these schools during the Njala "hunger" months of Jan- April, 5 days a week.
Cost per month: $2,100
Estimated Cost per child per day: 8 cents
*Our goal by 2025 would be to feed 10 schools

Home Grown School Meals
Truck Costs: $10,000
Mini Harvesters Costs: $800
Promised Land Farm
The Promise Land Farm is a 7 acre plot of land kindly donated by village heads for the betterment of their community. We have a young family who works it and protects the land. The harvest of these fields will help supplement any lack there may be on the Home Grown Farms in order to produce the porridge for the local school feeding program. All work has been done by hand, and the community has come around this farm with joy and hard work, excited that it is finally producing with the help of fertilizer and seeds from Giving Basics. In December 2023 we were able to drill a well on this property!
This property holds a lot of dreams. The village heads hope one day to build a preschool, secondary school, a health clinic and sports area. We pray to that end.
If you would like to help support this farm please consider a monthly donation of $500 to help pay labor costs, water pump and irrigation costs, and maintenance costs.
If you would like to help build structures on this property please contact us directly.

Explore Other Projects
Giving Basics applies a bottom-up approach when serving in foreign countries. First, we listen to the needs and dreams presented by communities, villages and churches. Then we pray for God's wisdom. Finally, we set up a plan that enables us to work as a team allowing the communities, villages and churches we come alongside to put in a large percentage of labor and expertise into the overall completion of projects. Working hand in hand - Giving Basics feels this is the strongest way to implement lasting impact and change.

Shine Bright Resource Center

Education / Trade School Scholarships

Corn & Soya Facility

Village Well Projects

Togo Print Shop