Give the Gift of Clean Water
Each community that receives the gift of drilling, has added to the project themselves by donating their own cement and bricks, and leaders are chosen and take part in learning how to maintain the well so that they have complete ownership of it. We celebrate the opening of wells in a grand way! Preaching, and singing is just a small way for the communities to give thanks back to God.
Giving Basics and SM in Malawi desire to work from the “ground-up” in the local villages assessing needs directly from the people. We recently were able to meet the need of a village well that will provide water to about 250 people. See the story below!
Water Well: $5,500
This would be a one time gift for a simple borehole water filtration system and pump.
Inevitably, an entire village will change, people will stay healthier and life will spring forth as watering crops would also become easier for this village.
A full documentation of the well will be given in video form and written form. An opportunity to visit this village will also be made available to those who wish to donate to this.
Prayer is also instrumental to this project as we can not find water underground without the help of God. Mzimba region is known to be sitting on a bed of layered rock - and drilling is not easy. But God knows where the water is - so we will seek His leading in this project every step of the way.
The best way to help women and widows is to at least give them clean water! This makes their job easier, and the villages healthier.
If you sponsor a student and their village is in need of a well, this need can be met. Reach out and we can talk more about the possibility and the next steps.

NEED MET! Well For Rombani’s Village
One need that has been given to us as we visited Mpeta village - the home of our sponsored son Rombani Hara was the need for clean water. Currently our sponsored boy and his village utilize the water from a stream/river. Rombani was sick again over the holiday break in March, likely due to the water supply. His grandmother’s wish is for a well. It blows our minds that an accessible and clean water source is still a need for so many people.
We are thrilled to announce that this need has been met and what was going to happen as late as November of 2023 has been moved up to September to begin drilling! Our God is a God who provides! Praising Him for His goodness!

Explore Other Projects
Giving Basics applies a bottom-up approach when serving in foreign countries. First, we listen to the needs and dreams presented by communities, villages and churches. Then we pray for God's wisdom. Finally, we set up a plan that enables us to work as a team allowing the communities, villages and churches we come alongside to put in a large percentage of labor and expertise into the overall completion of projects. Working hand in hand - Giving Basics feels this is the strongest way to implement lasting impact and change.

School & Village Feeding Programs

Education / Trade School Scholarships

Corn & Soya Facility

Shine Bright Resource Center

Togo Print Shop